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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Field Setup Services

As you may know, Georgetown AYSO and Middleville AYSO partnered to acquire a GPS-enabled painting robot. With this robot, we can set up fields without needing a whole crew. One or two people can get fields painted in a much shorter amount of time than a crew of volunteers.

Georgetown and Middleville would like to offer field setup services to the regions of 8J. Please review the information below and fill out the linked form if your region is interested in the service.

The request form will ask a region for their deadline for having the fields set up. We will attempt to paint as close to that date as possible, however, due to weather and timing for setting up their fields and other regions your fields may be painted as early as two weeks before your deadline.

Initial Set Up
For new region setups, a member of the region will need to be present to work with the person with the robot to verify that fields will be placed where needed. We’ll need to coordinate with the region and the weather for that visit. For regions that have been set up before, as long as nothing changes, the robot will be able to just paint without a region member being there.

At this initial setup appointment, the region fields will be configured in the robot software and verified that the real world matches the digital world of the software.

Initial Set-Up Costs
There can be a considerable amount of time involved with the initial setup of fields. This is a fee that is charged whenever fields need to be added, updated or moved significantly in the software. The initial setup fee includes the travel fee.

$100 Fee for up to 5 fields
$200 Fee for 6 to 10 fields
$300 Fee for 11 or more fields

Travel Fee
$50 for traveling to paint fields after initial set up and painting.

Color Change Fee
$20 for changing paint color for nested fields.

Per Field Fee
$175 14U / 11v11
$150 12U / 9v9
$125 10U / 7v7 - Build-Out Lines will be dashed
$50 8U / 4v4 - Includes: Outside Perimeter, Center Line, Kick-Off hash. Additional Cost: Center Circle $10, Corner Arc $5, Goal Arc $10.

A region wants to have the following fields setup for Fall 2024; One 14U, One 12U, Two 10U, & Two 8U. These fields are not yet in the robot software and will need to be added. The fees for Fall 2024 would be: $200 Set-Up, and $675 for fields, a total of $875.
If the region would like to have the fields set-up again in Spring 2025 the fees would be; $50 Travel, and $675 for fields, a total of $725.

LINK: Area 8J Field Painting Request Form

Last Call for Fall 2024:
Saturday, July 27

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